\Exclusive YouTube Lessons!/

Art using natural materials such as Indian lotus and bo tree leaves.
You can arrange and color real leaves.
This art has its origins in Japan, and uses real Indian lotus leaves.

Botany Painting

Botany painting is an art course where you arrange, fix, and color the leaves of natural Indian lotuses and bo trees.You can easily paint without worrying about your drawing skill, and the finished piece becomes a unique item for interior decoration.

Home-study course
This is a popular home-study course for experiencing art at home in your free time.You can learn the technique for gluing the Indian lotus leaves and foundational knowledge about painting to enjoy coloring your artworks freely, with easy-to-understand exclusive videos for students on the Internet.

Home-study course

<Details of the home-study course>

◎Enjoy creating 4 pieces of artwork.
(2 pieces for practice, 2 pieces as finished works)
◎All materials and tools will be delivered.
◎Natural leaves of Indian lotus and bo trees are used.
◎You can learn without worrying if you are good at drawing.
You can watch step-by-step explanations
in the exclusive YouTube video lessons
on smartphones, PCs, and other devices as many times as you wish.

"Japanese-language video exclusive: Explore the joy of coloring at your own pace with a hands-on video guide!"

<Details of the video lessons>

Lesson 1
-Preparation for drawing and explanation about the materials and tools
-The types of paint and characteristics of bo tree leaves
-Gluing and coloring bo tree leaves
-Gluing on top of another leaf and coloring

<Materials and tools used> Course textbooks, video URL, 4pcs of paper for practice, 8 bo tree leaves, 1 brush, 12 colors of acrylic paint, a paper palette, adhesive solvent, a sponge
Lesson 2
-Characteristics of Indian lotus leaves
-Gluing, coloring, and fixing the Indian lotus leaves with a fixer

<Materials and tools used> Course textbooks, video URL, a 24 cm x 24 cm wooden panel for practice,
2 Indian lotus leaves, 5 bo tree leaves, gold and silver paint, 1 brush, fixer solvent
Lesson 3
-How to glue and paint bo tree leaves freely on a wooden panel

<Materials and tools used> Course textbooks, video URL, 16 bo tree leaves, a 41 cm x 41 cm wooden panel, adhesive solvent
Lesson 4
-Producing a freeform work using Indian lotus and bo tree leaves

<Materials and tools used> Course textbooks, video URL, 4 Indian lotus leaves, 8 bo tree leaves, a 41 cm x 41 cm wooden panel

botany painting Art Kit

(Credit settlement)
Same day shipping
postage included

Please note that taxes may be charged upon receipt.

Same day shipping by Japan Post's EMS (international speed mail). (International mail inquiry and international express delivery guarantee) We will inform you of the inquiry number for international express mail at the time of shipment.

This application is deemed to have agreed to the "Description" and "Intellectual Property Rights of Information" below. Be sure to agree before applying.


*1) The course requires a device connected to the Internet, with which youcan watch our YouTube videos.The cost for device and Internet connection should be borne by the student.
*2)Since the leaves used are natural, please make sure to open the package just after delivery in order to prevent mold.
*3)Please note we cannot replace the materials if mold grows on them after the expiration date.
*4)Since the leaves are natural, we cannot replace them for reasons of size, color, shape, scratches, or dirt.
(They are inspected before shipping, but variations are not avoidable with natural materials.We appreciate your understanding.)
*5)Ordinary materials and tools are used, but please make sure to provide ventilation.
*6)Store and use the materials and tools out of reach of children for safety.
*7)If you need additional paint, you can purchase similar materials at artist supply shops.
*8)The adhesive solvent and fixer solvent are special solvents, so you have to order them from us if you need more.
*9)Please do not sell the works you make during this course.
*10)Do not provide a lecture using the materials and tools delivered for this course.
*11)Please refrain from transferring or selling the materials and tools delivered for this course.
*12)Minors cannot apply for this course.
*13)Any people involved in a similar course of lectures using natural leaves cannot apply for this course.
*14)Please take responsibility for the actions you perform in this course.We do not bear any responsibility for any accident or damage during the course.
*15)If there are too many applicants, we may stop inviting new students before the specified due date.
*16)“ボタニー” (Botany)and “ボタニーペインティング” (Botany painting) are registered trademarks of ENTREZ SANS FRAPPER.
(Revised on Friday 1, 2020)

Intellectual property

All contents of this course and this web site are the property of ENTREZ SANS FRAPPER, which are protected as copyright and other intellectual property rights.It is not allowed to copy, re-send, deliver, sell, distribute, publish, broadcast, circulate, commercially use, change, or alter any part of the home-study course by any means, unless ENTREZ SANS FRAPPER expressly approves in writing.It is not allowed to use any contents and information related to this course and this web site for any illegal purpose.

Indication of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Business operator/ Representative of NTREZ SANS FRAPPER: Mitsutoshi Sugimoto
24-3, Tsukaharashinden, Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture 411-0016
e-mail info@botanypainting.com
Tel 055-983-3361
Due date for signing up is described on the Sign up button.

The art of selecting, gluing, and coloring Indian lotus and bo tree leaves can only be learned through this course.


ENTREZ SANS FRAPPER has spread the culture of decorative Indian lotus decoupage, which has long been a part of the culture of Southeast Asia, to Japan.The workshop of Botany painting not only provides you with knowledge on paint and advice on colors, but also supports you to freely create an artwork with your imagination.We also support handicapped people's participation in creating artworks.

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Botany Painting
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